Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5/25 The 420 Times

    The 420 Times    
Stoner Jesus On Harold Camping's "Rapture" Fail
May 24, 2011 at 8:42 PM

“I have to envy someone who can generate that amount of publicity,” podcast host Stoner Jesus told us from his studios in the Ohio River Valley. “I’ve insulted the Islamic Prophet Muhammad numerous times on the air in hopes that Muslims would rise up and burn paper mache Jesus’ in the streets to protest…but, alas, Al Jazeera doesn’t cover my show.

“Now that his Rapture predictions have failed a second time, Harold Camping is scrambling,” SJ continued. “He says a ‘spiritual rapture’ occurred, and the real thing is coming in October. No matter what, his silly radio show stays in the news. He gives those of us with silly podcasts a bad name.”

Radio Microphone.medium 193x300 Stoner Jesus On Harold Campings Rapture FailBut can he continue to generate news for false prophecies? Stoner Jesus doubts it. “You can only go so far with a thing like this. Every couple of months I’ll announce that I know the identity of who kidnapped the Lindbergh Baby. No one cares anymore…most people don’t even know who the Lindbergh Baby was…I played that out way too long.

“As for Harold Camping, he’ll resurface in October to the embarrassment of mankind. I look forward to it. I don’t get many visitors here in the studio and events of biblical proportions usually snag me some interviews.”

Stoner Jesus On Harold Camping’s “Rapture” Fail is a post from: The 420 Times

Arizona Governor Sues To Stop Medical Marijuana
May 24, 2011 at 7:15 PM

Today Arizona Governor Jan Brewer announced she has directed the state Attorney General to file suit in federal court to determine the legality of AZ’s voter-approved medical marijuana program. So for the time being, Arizona’s medical marijuana law is on hold.

"For the state employees charged with administering the medical marijuana program or the Arizonans who intend to participate as consumers,” the Governor said, “it's important that we receive court guidance as to whether they are at risk for federal prosecution. As explained in a recent letter from the U.S. Attorney for Arizona, the federal government considers marijuana a controlled substance.”

420times 000015379989XSmall1 300x285 Arizona Governor Sues To Stop Medical MarijuanaSo federal intimidation works again by providing a plausible excuse for Governor Brewer – who doesn’t care for medical cannabis in the first place – to halt the entire program while the issue is explored.

The folks at The Marijuana Policy Project – who helped draft AZ’s MMJ law, Proposition 203 – expressed their disdain for the Governor’s decision in an email to its members:

“We are deeply frustrated by this announcement," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "The law Governor Brewer wants enjoined established an extremely well thought-out and conservative medical marijuana system. The law was drafted so that a very limited number of non-profit dispensaries would serve the needs of patients who would be registered with the state. Governor Brewer is trying to disrupt this orderly system and replace it with relative chaos. Patients would not purchase their medicine at state-regulated dispensaries. Instead, they or their caregivers would grow marijuana in homes across the state. Some will even be forced to find their medicine on the streets. We cannot think of a single individual — aside from possibly illegal drug dealers — who would benefit from Governor Brewer’s actions today. She has done a disservice to her state and its citizens.”

Despite the effort and resources already devoted to implementing the program, Gov. Brewer ordered state health officials not to certify any more patients until the legality of the program is established in court.

“Gov. Brewer’s lawsuit is not the first time elected officials have sought to spend taxpayer money to try to overturn a state medical marijuana law," said Karen O'Keefe, director of state policies at the Marijuana Policy Project and the co-drafter of Proposition 203. "Like the previous attempt, we expect her suit to fail. In 2005, San Diego County sought to enjoin most provisions of California’s medical marijuana law, including a provision requiring counties to issue ID cards to patients and providers. It proceeded despite a poll finding that 78% of voters thought the lawsuit would be a waste of money. Ultimately, every court ruled against the county or refused to hear the case, all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. Similarly, the only decision on whether the licensing of dispensaries would be federally preempted has also found it would not be. It looks like Jan Brewer is having a contest with San Diego County to see who can waste the most taxpayer money on a futile attempt to overturn the will of voters.”

So far intimidation has proved to be an effective weapon in the federal government’s attempt to stamp out medical marijuana – too effective. In some state’s the powers-that-be are too afraid to fight. In other states, like Arizona, the feds are just an excuse for anti-medical marijuana forces to thwart the will of the voters.

We must redouble our efforts to thwart the federal government in their objectives, and we must vote out of office those in state government who aid the feds in their destruction of medical cannabis.

- Joe Klare

Arizona Governor Sues To Stop Medical Marijuana is a post from: The 420 Times

CA Senate To Vote On Medical Marijuana Employment Discrimination Bill
May 24, 2011 at 6:31 PM

California State Senators are expected to vote this week on SB 129 – a bill that would protect workers from being discriminated against for their medical marijuana use. The folks at Americans For Safe Access want to make sure those who live in CA let their Senators know how they feel. Here in an excerpt from an ASA email alert:

Take a moment right now to call your California Senator and ask him or her to support SB 129!

ASA is sponsoring Senator Mark Leno's (D-SF) SB 129 to protect legal patients who face workplace discrimination just because they use medical cannabis.  It is not fair that legal patients can be denied a job, be fired, or live in fear every day. SB 129 will stop this discrimination – but only if your Senator knows it is important to you.

SB 129 is a reasonable bill. It does not allow patients to use medical cannabis at work or be impaired by medical cannabis in the workplace. It contains an exemption for safety-sensitive positions. SB 129 simply gives legal medical cannabis patients the same protection as prescription drug users. That is not too much to ask!

420times 000014489120XSmall1 200x300 CA Senate To Vote On Medical Marijuana Employment Discrimination BillActivism is not always marching and chanting and sign-waving. Sometimes just a simple phone call can go a long way in helping protect medical marijuana patients in your state. If you are one of our many California readers, this is your chance.

Let those who represent you know how you want them to vote – it is the linchpin of our Republic.

- Joe Klare

CA Senate To Vote On Medical Marijuana Employment Discrimination Bill is a post from: The 420 Times

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill Dies In Washington
May 24, 2011 at 5:19 PM

Today Washington State Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-Seattle) announced that her effort to bring legal protection to dispensaries in the state had come to an end. After the Governor bowed to federal federal pressure and vetoed the main parts of SB 5073, dispensaries had a brief flash of hope in the form of a reduced bill, but it too has floundered.

Senator Kohl-Welles issued a statement about her disappointment.

My efforts to make improvements to existing law were motivated by the need to provide qualifying patients with protection from arrest and prosecution and access to a safe, secure and reliable source of the medicine they are legally entitled to use and that has been recommended to them by their licensed health care provider. I also sought to increase public safety and provide a bright line for law enforcement in determining those who are authorized patients, regulated growers and dispensers.

Despite having bipartisan support, we were unable to achieve these objectives. By far, this represents the greatest disappointment of my legislative career….

420times 000003558149XSmall1 300x199 Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill Dies In WashingtonA setback to be sure, but it’s unlikely that any bill would keep the DEA at bay. The federal government could care less about state law, and will continue to harass dispensaries that operate in Washington, whether they follow state law or not.

The battle between the states and the federal government over this issue is looming. The states cannot roll over, or they risk federal intrusion in other areas they think they have autonomy in.

- Joe Klare

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill Dies In Washington is a post from: The 420 Times

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